Sabtu, 11 April 2015



Prepositions definition : 
          A word (one of the parts of speech and a member of a closed word class) that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. See the lists of simple prepositions and deverbal prepositions below.
         The combination of a preposition and a noun phrase is called a prepositional phrase. A word group (such as in front of or on top of) that functions like a simple, one-word preposition is called a complex preposition.
Prepositions commonly convey the following relationships: agency (by); comparison (like, as . . . as); direction (to, toward, through); place (at, by, on); possession (of); purpose (for); source (from, out of); and time (at, before, on).

Prepositions list :

  • aboard
  • about
  • above
  • across
  • after
  • against
  • along
  • amid
  • among
  • anti
  • around
  • as
  • at
  • before
  • behind
  • below
  • beneath
  • beside
  • besides
  • between
  • beyond
  • but
  • by
  • concerning
  • considering
  • despite
  • down
  • during
  • except
  • excepting
  • excluding
  • following
  • for
  • from
  • in
  • inside
  • into
  • like
  • minus
  • near
  • of
  • off
  • on
  • onto
  • opposite
  • outside
  • over
  • past
  • per
  • plus
  • regarding
  • round
  • save
  • since
  • than
  • through
  • to
  • toward
  • towards
  • under
  • underneath
  • unlike
  • until
  • up
  • upon
  • versus
  • via
  • with
  • within
  • without

Prepositions function :
1.     A preposition in English grammar is a word employed with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase, a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases express meaning closely related to the meaning expressed by adverbs and adjectives: where, when, how, and what kind. Prepositional phrases can also express a sense of why or who.
"He's in the jailhouse now." (where)
The word in is a preposition. The word jailhouse is a noun. The noun is called the object of the preposition. This prepositional phrase provides a sense of location, a sense of where something is located. The quoted words are part of a song from the movie, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
2.      A preposition always goes with a noun or pronoun which is called the object of the preposition.  The preposition is almost always before the noun or pronoun and that is why it is called a preposition.  The preposition and the object of the preposition together are called a prepositional phrase
3.       Prepositions and prepositional phrases perform many functions within sentences. The function of a word is "what the word does." For example, the function of the adjective pink in the pink rose is to modify or describe the noun rose. What the adjective does then is to describe the noun. Or, the adjective pink functions to describe the color of the rose.
There are ten main functions of prepositions and prepositional phrases.
  •      Head of preposition phrase
  •      Noun phrase modifier
  •      Noun phrase complement
  •      Adjective phrase modifier
  •      Adjective phrase complement
  •      Verb phrase modifier
  •      Verb phrase complement
  •      Adjunct
  •      Adverbial
  •      Particle

Prepositions example :
I put your book in my locker. (where)

I am in my car, and I have a flat tire. (where)

Yesterday, I was at the beach. (where)

The road runs through a tunnel. (where)

Your pencil is on the floor under your desk. (where)

I shall be home by Friday. (when)

Meet me between classes. (when)

It was the beginning of summer. (when)

I will be there for a week. (duration of time)

He was arrested for jaywalking. (why)

I came with Camile. (who)

With perseverance she will become the best gymnast. (how)

I was with her when the announcement was made. (who)

I want a candy bar with peanuts. (what kind)

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